Sold successfully
- 7083 Purbach am Neusiedler See
- Rooms 4
- Area approx. 124 m2
- Sold successfully
Successfully rented
"Elegance with garden and garage!"
- 3400 Klosterneuburg
- Rooms 3
- Area approx. 91 m2
- Successfully rented
Sold successfully
Chalet Viennawoods!
- 3413 Kirchbach
- Rooms 6
- Area approx. 270 m2
- Sold successfully
Sold successfully
Haus am See 3, lucky guy in the snow!
- 2291 Lassee
- Rooms 4
- Area approx. 92 m2
- Sold successfully
Sold successfully
- 3400 Klosterneuburg
- Rooms 3.5
- Area approx. 94 m2
- Sold successfully
Successfully rented
- 3400 Klosterneuburg
- Rooms 2
- Area approx. 45 m2
- Successfully rented
Successfully rented
House instead of a garden apartment!
- 3400 Maria Gugging
- Rooms 3
- Area approx. 89 m2
- Successfully rented